I was reviewing my copy of the Social Media Playbook(A beginners guide to everything social!) that was so generously put together by some great people at Eloqua. (Jess3 and Joe Chernov @jchernov) (If you aren't familiar with Eloqua or their work, definitely check them out.)
And, as advertised, I would like to share with you my learnings from the presentation, but I recommend you still take a look at the Social Media Playbook yourself:
· Continue to engage consistently and authentically while adding strategic thinking and planning to your companies effectiveness
· The most important first step in social media is to listen before speak
· Recognize others, cite sources in blogs, reference contributors
· If you are supporting your own company’s information with SM platforms be sure that Twitter/Linkedin Bio’s reflect the employment.
· Less than 11% of all US Internet users visit twitter, with 5%-7% of those actually participating in the platform
· The shelf life of tweets in terms of impact ranges from a few hours to a few minutes
· As you grow, be selective of the number of people that you follow… Stay around 1,000
· Tweets can be 140 characters but try to limit to 100-120 so that if someone wants to retweet it there is room for a comment or personalization by the retweeter
· Reciprocity is the currency of the web
· Don’t be afraid to show personality
· Too much corporate promotion can lead followers to tune you out
· Almost all sites that assign account holders a twitter score place a high value on activity level
· 90% about others 10% about you
· Participate in existing conversations by using established hash tags
· Your organization should also be sure to comment on industry related topics
· Hootsuite-Can schedule tweets to go out on specific date and time… Can manage multiple twitter accounts
· Twubs-Allows you to save capture and archive hash tag based discussions
· Internet users spend more time on Facebook than Google, Yahoo, YouTube, Microsoft, Wikipedia, and Amazon COMBINED…
· Spike in web traffic due to shared FB links
· FB has yet to offer metrics similar to Google analytics, which would enable Page administrators to gain a deeper understanding of their page’s fans and visitors.
· Your blog should ideally be the hub of your company’s content creation wheel by providing relevant commentary and news that positions you as an insider in your particular industry
· Support colleagues, tweet about it, share a link
· The more diverse, expert and useful your posts are, the greater your chances are to increase leads
· Follow up with a lead with a link to a colleague’s blog as a suggestion to further the relationship
· Build relationships with influencers and leads
· Follow competitors Blogs
· 60 million registered users
· The platform allows you to identify the types of connections that your connections have and to see how far away the people you want to get to are.
· Have the potential to rank well for your name in search results
· Google rewards multimedia content with a higher search rank
· The most important reference site on the internet
· 5th most visited website in the US and 6th in the world
Content marketing or inbound marketing, increasingly is becoming a lead generation discipline. Sirius Decisions predicts that by 2015 more than 75% of leads will be sourced by inbound channels
About Me

- Aaron Mandelbaum
- The objective of the Virtual Coffee Blog, is to create a discussion platform where we can explore marketing 2.0 and share our experiences
Nice work dude. Keep writing and you will find your voice. I look forward (like all of your readers - and growing readership) to get to know what's in that big brain of yours.
Thank you, as always, for the continued support.
ReplyDeleteLinkedIn, in my opinion, is the most overlooked B2B marketing tool today. Very few people are "broadcasting" right now so it has a much lower noise level. That lets your message get through much easier...the trick is to avoid spray and pray tactics that will turn people of eventually.